Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Tea to Welcome Bijou

Mimi, an SFBJ 60 8/0 Bleuette, welcomes Bijou with a surprise tea-for-two.  

A great friendship is in the making!

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Bijou in G-L 1934 Marin d' Ete

This is a reproduction of the sailor suit in the summer 1934 G-L catalog, but it was also a pattern published in La Semaine de Suzette in 1935, issue 15, as Marin Classique. Either is just right for our 1930s Bleuettes.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Bleuette in Composition

Bleuette heads were made in three materials:  bisque, pasteboard, and composition.  Here is a Bleuette whose head is made of composition. Say bonjour to Bijou.

She is marked "71 UNIS FRANCE 149, 301, P.C. , 1&1/2"  Historian Samy Odin says she was made in 1936, and was shown in the 1937 International Exposition.  Her head is incassable, that is, unbreakable, and she has 1 on her feet.  She has blue glass sleep eyes.  Historian Colette Merlen also shows this head marking, dating it to the mid-1930s. 

She came with what looks to be an original human hair bob wig and the cardboard pate used by the SFBJ.  Her slippers are oilcloth, and look to be the same age as she is.  She also came with a G-L L'Enfant Sage school smock in red gingham, which was offered in the 1933 G-L Summer catalog of Bleuette's ready-made wardrobe, and continued to be for sale until 1940.