Sunday, December 20, 2020

Another Lisette Pattern


This 13 inch SFBJ Paris incassable I restored recently is the perfect size to wear patterns 
published by Lisette magazine, the girls' publication that rivalled La Semaine de Suzette.
She is wearing a 1926 costume Un Joli Papillion, A Pretty Butterfly.
Costumes like this were worn for parties at New Year's Eve,
Mardis Gras, Mi Careme, and other festive occasions.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Bleuette Loves Coats

Here are some coats made from LSDS patterns, 1905 to 1919, in chronological order.
Coats (which often had coordinating hats) were the most expensive items 
in the G-L catalog of Bleuette's ready made wardrobe.
Fortunately, the readers of La Semaine de Suzette could make their own coats and hats 
for Bleuette using the published patterns.